Cat’s Eyes ™(Part 1)

Blinking feline/marble cat's eyes

Boo: Why don’t our people’s eyes glow in the dark like ours?

Yeti: The poor things are relatively blind. I don’t know if that’s cause or effect.

Boo: And why do your eyes glow a different color than mine?

Yeti: I guess because they start out different colors. Missus says your yellow-green ones glow turquoise, and my baby blues glow…[sigh]…red.

Boo: And even to me you look truly evil then, when they’re red.

Yeti: [Pouting] I can’t help it. As long as it helps me multiply light in darker areas, I’m pleased that it’s at least functional.

Boo: Don’t you think that it’s peculiar that we have limited color perception while we simultaneously have so many colors in our eyes?

Yeti: [Taken aback by Boo’s improved vocabulary] Why, yes. I do. You really sounded smart just then!

Boo: What, you think that I don’t know any big words? [Grins]

Yeti: Well, it’s not reasonable to expect me to – unless you use them.

Boo: [Nodding, then shrugging] It still doesn’t feel natural. I’ll have to get used to it bit by bit.

Yeti: I can see that.

Boo: Even in the dark.



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