
This household has a lot of opinionated purrsonalities, so a blog can become a competitive outlet. To help clarify what’s going on, we made this programme:

Yeti-the-Cat-Cast-of-PlayersOf course, this all started out with The Missus, the original designer of the site and first blog entry author…but then strange things began happening after that….

The story here is arranged chronologically, making the “Recent” section at left kind of backward from the norm (so it’s actually forward, in chronological order) – so, to see truly recent, new posts, simply choose from the bottom of the list in the “Recent Posts” section to the left. (It will also load faster this way.)  🙂

Yeti’s and Boo’s Curiosity

Yeti: The Missus is a curious one.

Boo: In what way?

Yeti: Several. First of all, she has trouble walking on her hind legs, but refuses to go to all fours.

Boo: I think all those things she wears constrict her.

Yeti: That could be. Remember that time when she couldn’t walk at all?

Boo: Yeah. I was getting worried about her.

Yeti: Why? Did you think she wouldn’t walk ever again?

Boo: No, I was more worried about her when she was confined to bed and you started circling her like she was prey.

Yeti: [straightening] I’m quite sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Boo: You looked like you were going to eat her…or, at least, taste her.

Yeti: So did you; you circled just like me.

Boo: I was protecting her – watching you.

Yeti: Whatever. She was onto both of us. We’re harmless. But I’m glad she got better. Now she feeds us and I’m just as happy with our food. She is tasty, though….[smacking]

Boo: [diverting] What else about her do you find curious?

Yeti: Well, that thing she does with wet colors on shapes. She makes all these big flat boxes of patterns and sings while she does it. The Mister doesn’t do that.

Boo: He makes his on his “computer”. They disappear in there, but at times he brings them back, like magic. Sometimes hers leave the house with her, and never come back.

Yeti: Her pictures are real; they can live other places, and they smell funny, but somehow they make me happy. I like to look at them. She likes me in the room with her when she makes them. I like to watch but sometimes I just nap. It’s also fun to see if I can distract her from her work – sometimes that’s a tough challenge in that odd room, even for me. But hey, you’re not welcome in there – how come?

Boo: You know I eat everything. She panicked last time I got in there and she had a bunch of wet colors on the table and I jumped up. She yelled, grabbed me quick, whisked me out, and sat and held and looked at me and rocked me. I was both scared and comforted; she was trying to tell me something. I think those colors went bad.

Yeti: Yikes. But they look pretty dry, on those pretty flat boxy thingies.

Boo: I like those too. What else?

Yeti: What else what?

Boo: What else about her makes you curious?

Yeti: Well…. Everything, I guess. I am a cat.


To see the “pretty flat boxy thingies with colors”, go to: eileegeorge.com


World Cancer Day

February 4, 2014: Hello, friends. This is the Missus again. Please forgive my tangent, but cancer has touched my life in a very real way. I would just like to take the opportunity to make a tribute to some sometimes forgotten, but very special people on this day, which is World Cancer Day. They’re the ones in the trenches, helping in the fight.

I cannot express what a blessing the Mister has been to me through my own battle. He has been a pillar of strength, a source of comfort, a caretaker, a cheerleader, a welcome source of humor and interesting anecdotes, not to mention our sole source of income through it all. He is grace under pressure and the personification of love and self-sacrifice. And I’m not biased in the slightest! (Maybe a teensy bit but really he’s beyond wonderful.) <3

I have to say my Mom also has been a hero to me through all this, being so strong when I had to tell her my diagnosis after we had just lost both my dad and my sister to cancers so very recently. I was more worried about her than myself to be honest, but I needn’t have been, because she is a rock, and a decade-and-a-half-plus cancer survivor herself.

My brother showed me strength and concern as well, and did not let distance deter him from giving me the support I needed from him precisely when I needed it, no matter where it took him. He never let fear cloud his judgment, nor did he allow mere obligation to eclipse devotion in my time of need.

My in-laws have been simply amazing in so many ways. My church family and friends have been so supportive and rallied around me. A special neighbor has been a comrade and an encouragement as a survivor herself. Other patients that I met in the process have been inspirations to me as well, mid-battle, and I hope I was able to serve as such in return. All of the medical personnel that I have dealt with have been not only professional but also consistently compassionate; they have found their calling. And of course my fluffy little Peekaboo and Yeti the cats have been a peaceful presence as well as providing entertaining interludes, serving to remind me further just how much joy there is to be found in the simplest moments in life. There was no irony in my singing, “It’s a Good Day” in the dressing room for the MRI…I really believed it. Every day I’m alive is a good day!

It is not easy to simply love someone who is suffering with cancer…it gets much more complicated: it breaks your heart, and you are hit with a very human, natural desire to show a brave face for them – even when you’re really, really scared. That’s not easy. A caregiver’s other obligations also aren’t magically put on hold when they’re caring for someone who is sick, worrying about so much, putting up with occasional tempers, wrangling additional financial stress, and doing extra duty at home. They do it because of love – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Nothing worth doing is easy. But it sure deserves recognition and thanks. Thank you all.

God has given me strength I did not have on my own, unending love, and given me a wealth of caring people and animals surrounding me, and in this I am, in the most important sense, rich beyond all measure.

Though the meds continue, I am happy to let you know that today I am cancer free.

And my life is truly blessed.

To everyone, I am a walking success story mainly because I went in for timely exams. Preventative medicine detected what I couldn’t. Love yourself and those who love you enough to do the same.

To all those in the fight, and all those fighting alongside them: a World Cancer Day of hope and healing, and time beyond of vitality, courage, faith, influence, joy and peace.


Who’s the Alpha Cat?


Yeti-the-Cat-Gals-N-Cats-by-Lin-Eilee-S-GeorgeBoo: [Raises a brow as Yeti strolls to meet her in the office] What do you look so smug about?

Yeti: [Matter-of-factly] I’m breaking the Missus in.

Boo: What do you mean?

Yeti: She’s starting to respond to my cues [smiles with eyes half-closed]. You know she already feeds me in bed so I don’t even have to get up…

Boo: [Sticking her tongue out in disgust] boy, do I.

Yeti: Well, the crinkly bag was on the corner of the bed earlier, so instead of settling into “my spot” by the dish when she brought dinner, I curled up on the bag, and gave her a look, and she immediately just “got” it – she even said, “Oh, do we wish to dine on the terrace tonight?” and moved the bowl out of its place to set it in front of me on the bag. I didn’t have to make a squeak. Yes…her training is coming along nicely.

Boo: [Mimicking Yeti’s expressions] And to what do you give credit for this newfound obedience?

Yeti: I kissed up to her earlier letting her brush me while I was on her lap.

Boo: [Shocked] On her lap? You???

Yeti: It wasn’t bad, I must say…very relaxing…kind of lost track of time, really.

Boo: I’ve been telling you…

Yeti: But I won’t let her get too much in the habit. [Studying her claws] Poor thing, she didn’t know what hit her. I have her right where I want her.

Boo: [Rolling her eyes] Um…yeah.

[Meanwhile, in the den]

Mister: What do you look so smug about?

Missus: I think I’m breaking the Yeti in.

Mister: How’s that?

Missus: You know how she loves being brushed…I warmed her up brushing her where she lay snoozing, and then I dragged her over to my lap, and brushed her much more…she didn’t fight much at first, and then she actually fell asleep on my lap!

Mister: [Leaning forward] You have got to be kidding. Her???

Missus: I was shocked. I didn’t dare move for half an hour. Phone rang and I didn’t even move to pick up – till she moved on her own later.

Mister: I wouldn’t either! What a rare treat! Think she’ll do it again?

Missus: Oh, I made sure to do the positive reinforcement thing. I even brought her food over to her on that plastic bag the cats have been playing with. She looked so grateful [smiles while remembering]. Oh…I know how to work her. I am so winning this thing.

Mister: [Grinning] Whatever you say….


Missing Mister


Yeti: Why is the Mister gone so much?

Boo: It’s been what, five, six years you’ve been with us, and you just noticed? He goes to a thing called a job.

Yeti: Oh, that. I just didn’t know he went there all the time. I don’t think he likes it. It seems to make him upset sometimes. Yet he stays. Why?

Boo: It’s how they get food.

Yeti: They pay him in cat food? That’s odd. If he didn’t have us, what would he do with it? He clearly doesn’t want any for himself.

Boo: Maybe they need cats to survive.

Yeti: Well, of course they do! That’s it.

Boo: We have powers.

Yeti: We dooo.


Cat-erwaul ™

Yeti the Cat and Bed Monopolizer

Any typical night: Mister and Missus have settled in for the night. Yeti takes her place between their pillows, gets tickled under the chin, then rests her head on her little pillow next to her favorite toy/adopted wee one Mousi.

Mister: [Pulling on the covers] Goodnight.

Missus: [Tugging back] Goodnight.

Yeti: Purr…zzzzzz….

[Some final stirring, settling, and then silence textured only by easy breathing…until…]

Peekaboo: Mmrowwwl!

Missus: Ugh, not again…


Mister: She brought us a “kill”…


Missus: And wants us to know about it. …Oy, ENOUGH already!

Boo: Mow…[satisfied now that she’s been acknowledged, hopping up on the bed]

Mister: [shoving her off of him as she begins to boisterously bathe on him] Off me!

Missus: Hey, don’t get on me either…quit shaking the bed!

Yeti: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Boo: [lick-a-lick-a-lick-a…]

Mister: Mmumf…

Missus: Boo, pssshht!

Boo: [Relocating to lie half on top of Yeti] Purrrrrrr

Yeti: Mew…meh…hiss…grrrr-grrrowwll!

Boo: MURROWW! Hiss! [Feline activity escalates instantly]

Mister: [Pulling pillow over his head] Omigosh it’s midnight already!

Missus: [Shoving Boo to the foot of the bed] Cool it!

[Everyone squirms for a bit, and eventually settles down again. Finally, all is quiet.]

Yeti: Zzzzzzzzz….

Missus: Zzzzzzzzz….

Mister: Zzzzzzzzz….

Boo: Meow.

[*boot* – plop!]

Missus: Oh – ‘oops‘.
